
If you've stumbled onto this page, well just enjoy the ramblings of a middle-aged guy who needs to get off his assets more often. But for the time I'm here I might as well produce something for the internet (I really believe this whole internet thing will take off and be useful!) Feel free to make comments, but be nice!
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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

2010 Already - And another grandson

Geesh here it is February 8th and I'm just making my first entry into this blog for 2010. Talk about motivated!

We're hopefully getting our first snow storm of the season with the possibility of 6 to 10 inches on the ground by morning. As I'm sick I could sure use a nice snowday right about now. Even so we have mid-winter break coming up next week, so I could make through 'til then, but I can't imagine the mood that the students would be in tomorrow if by some chance we did have school!

I think at my last posting we had one grandson, Triston. As of this writing we now have two grandsons, adding James Michol on January 1st of 2010.

Michelle's wedding is also coming up fast (late June) so it has been a busy 2009 and continuing into 2010. Hang on...here we go!