
If you've stumbled onto this page, well just enjoy the ramblings of a middle-aged guy who needs to get off his assets more often. But for the time I'm here I might as well produce something for the internet (I really believe this whole internet thing will take off and be useful!) Feel free to make comments, but be nice!
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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Barkley, "Marley and...", me

I'm not usually inspired to write deep things for consumption in cyberspace but last night I watched the movie "Marley and Me" on HBO. Hey, it was free and I hadn't seen the movie. The synopsis is primarly about a young couple who hope to delay the start of their family by adopting a dog, in this case Marley who is a labrador, golden to be exact. The movie focuses on the struggles of training this seemingly unruly dog, but its main focus is the struggle this couple is having with their marriage and eventual three kids. Unlike most movies the characteristics of this family are quite typical and very believable; all the while dealing with the antics of Marley.

The husband, a newspaper man, ends up writing a regular column about his life, family and of course the antics of Marley. He is doing well, even if he doesn't believe it himself; everyone can sense it but himself. Anyway, the movie continues to revolve around the family.

This is where most people would continue to see the importance, or relevance of the family's plight and fight to suceed; but I really want to focus on the dealings with the dog, who continues to age, not always well, in the movie.

The kids are growing and Marley is aging, living a happy adult dog life, but you can see he is beginning to fail. He still has his moments of goofiness and never fails to have the last word in most situations. Nearing the end Marley's health is failing and the family now must cope with the possibilities that lie in the future. As predicted Marley needs to be put down, and the family sadly loads Marley into the back of their car so dad can take him to the vet. Everyone is sad and crying, but does get to say their final farewells.

Dad is with Marley in the vets room and he quietly tells Marley of his love and success, the joy and laughter he has brought to the family. Marley receives his final injection and dies peacefully on the table, in the arms of the father.

I sat there are cried for the last 40 minutes of this movie as we went through a similar situation this September with our beloved border terrier, Barkley. He had been a member of our family since the kids were little. Unlike Marley he never destroyed car interiors, living room furniture, or knocked out windows or doors in the house. Mind you Barkley was no saint, but certainly not the scoundrel that Marley played in the movie.

This is where I digress a bit, pardon me, but afterall it is *my* blog.

Barkley loved everyone. We used to say that strangers were just friends they Barkley hadn't met yet. He never barked at the mailman, the paperboy, neighbors or their pets; he just wanted to say hi and let's be friends. Being a terrier and small he could handily fit under the dining room table and steal your napkin off your lap, jump up on the back of the sofa and steal a scrunchy out of your hair, or any piece of food that was within jumping reach. He loved to "walk" and that's putting it mildly. He'd pull you most of the way; as long as you covered new territory you got pulled. If you turned around you were headed home and the pace was much more leisurely.

Barkley and I started out in the show ring together. I had fun, Barkley put up with me. There were a few times when we'd be at a dog show and someone would tap me on the shoulder to tell me that my dog was peeing on my pantleg. He did this only to tell the other dogs that I was his owner, and no one elses. Barkley really shined in the dog ring when Rachel, my daughter, would enter him. They always brought the best out in each other and it was shown to all. Rachel "finished" Barkley in about 6 months, not bad to a young lady in her early teens!

Barkley would camp, hated to swim, loved to chase a ball, hated to return it, but always seemed to say "here it is, come and get it and throw it again." Most importantly he loved his family.

This is where I tie my digression back into the movie.... At the end of the movie the dad is stating that dogs are pure love. Regardless of the day you've had, or the day that they have had they love you...no questions, no doubt. This was Barkley! Even towards the end of his life, when he was physically depressed, he never failed to lick your hand or your face, never failed to beg quietly at the dinner table, or sit and cuddle with you on the sofa.

Before he passed I told him (many times) that he had been the best dog ever, he loved us and helped us all to grow; and that his job here was done, he could cross over the rainbow bridge with pride knowing that he had done such a fine job here on earth.

Nick, my son, and I took Barkley to the Michigan Humane Society for his last car ride. He greeted the two workers there with tail wags and excitement to meet two more "friends". Nick carried Barkley to the table and I held him as he quietly went across the bridge to the other side.

Good boy Barkley; we love you too!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Being thankful

It's that time of year when we begin to fully realize the things in life that we should be thankful for. Many times we take things and people for granted but I've come to realize how very important and special my wife is; not only to me but to our kids as well.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

About time I entered something!

Gosh has it really been since July??? Well It has been a hectic late summer and autumn with Triston being born and the beginning of school etc. TJ, as I sometimes call him, is doing well and getting bigger every day. An added plus, he's sleeping through most of the night..not bad for 10 weeks! Here's a recent picture:

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Summer Music

Staying closer to home this summer we're taking advantage of local concerts and performances. Our favorite folk group is Mustard's Retreat, a duo of local singer/song writers who have a great relaxing way of telling a story.

We attended a concert at Dearborn's Bryant Library Courtyard this week to hear David Tamulevich and Michael Hough perform. The temperature was perfect, the crowd was enthusiastic and best of all it was free. We're hoping to head to Flint this weekend to hear them and other performers at the Flint Folk Music Festival.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Summer Vacation Continues - July

We're having a great summer with cool weather and low humidity; not always the rule for Michigan in July. We *could* use a little bit more rain, but there is wet weather in the forecast for the next few days.

Chores around the house have been getting done, slowly. And as always when one job is finished another two pop up. Today was trimming the hedges and bushes along the fence line. The power trimmer makes the job pretty simple and with the cooler temps and shady backyard it certainly is easier than when the weather isn't cooperating!

We had a great surprise visit from Michelle for the 4th of July and Rhonda's big 5-0 party a couple of days later. She's doing well and plans for her wedding are beginning to take shape. Rachel and Nick continue to do well and the babies are well on their ways.

WHY do the stores have to start advertising Back to School stuff already? I'm not mentally ready to hear that stuff yet! ARRRRGGGHHHHH

Friday, June 19, 2009

Summer Vacation Week 1

Well, things have started off pretty good. I've managed to repair the front door, the mailbox stand, mow the lawn, trim some bushes, hang a bird-feeder, finish a book and continue another one, and ferret children hither and yon. Not bad I'd say.

Michelle gets married a year from TODAY! I hope she enjoys the process and Steve; not driving each other crazy and the families into the poorhouse.

Rachel is expecting a baby boy in early September, so part of vacation this year will include clearing out some stuff in the computer room to fit a crib and other accessories.

Nick believes he's expecting a baby with his fiance before the end of the year.

2009 has been quite the rollercoaster ride, and it ain't over yet.

Vacation plans....yeah, right! Maybe a camping trip this fall??$$

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Spring Update

Wow, has it really been since February that I made my last post? Heaven knows that there has been enough stuff going on to write about, but I guess I just didn't want that info floating out in cyberspace for the world to see.

The school year is finally coming to an end. It has been a busy, hectic and rewarding school year, one filled with festivals and musical performances. I'm not quite sure what we'll do this summer. I would love to do the whole camping thing, but it may not be possible this year due to finances. At least gas is $2 a gallon cheaper this year (so far anyway).

I'm going to work to update and post more on here as often as possible this summer.

We'll see.....

Friday, February 20, 2009

What February Brings

Well winter just doesn't want to let go this year. We had a nice thaw a week or so ago, the snow melted, the ice dams retreated, and I even pulled out my spring jacket. It IS Michigan, so I know that we can have snow anytime of the year. I'm not sure I'm prepared for 3 - 8 inches over the next 24 - 36 hours though.

Health has been another issue for me over the past months. Having gone to the doctor for high blood pressure she told me that my sugar/glucose level was too high. I've always tended to be on the high side of the chart, but the doc decided to run the tests again. The results were still higher than normal. Diagnosis: Type II, Adult Onset Diabetes.

The positive aspects (you have to look on the positive side, otherwise you should just fold up and blow away with the winds we're having): if I drop 30 pounds of weight, it is just possible that I can control this thing with diet alone. Additionally the weight loss could really help reduce the amount of blood pressure medication that I'm taking. Definitely not the worse case scenario!

I've begun monitoring my glucose levels, twice a day. I'm seeing an ophthamologist to be sure that I've not had any eye problems, and I'm waiting to hear from a dietician and sign up for diabetic classes. It will be a lot of work, but hey I only get one chance at this, especially since those "worse case scenarios" aren't gone, they're just on the sidelines for right now.

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Sunrise Kyrie

There are few things more beautiful than and sunrise or sunset. This sunrise has a chant that goes with it. Enjoy!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Winter Snow

I heard this past weekend that the Detroit area has received a bit over 42" of snow so far this season. The average for the entire winter season is 44", so we're close and still in the middle of January.

On a positive note, the water levels of the Great Lakes have been rising the past couple of years and this year's snowfall is bound to help keep them rising. When I think of the snow in this aspect it doesn't seem quite so bad.

Another indicator of snowfall is the amount of gas I put in the snow blower. I make a new gallon in the late fall; most years I have plenty left over to use in the string trimmer. This January the gas can is now empty, with the last drop in the snow blower. I think I'm going to have to mix up a new batch before the spring thaw!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Musical Youth International (MYI) Update

I'm not sure if I've mentioned on this blog that a group was started on Facebook for the alums of MYI. When I found the group there were three of us, but now I'm thrilled to say that we're up to 25 people. Everyone is beginning to go through pictures and stories and are sharing them online. Hopefully by putting the word out there into cyberspace more alums will find it and hopefully join and contribute as well.

Even worser!

Yes, I know..."worser" is NOT a word.

Well I spent a good portion of New Year's Eve day coming down with diverticulitis, and by New Year's Day was pretty much a basket case, or perhaps toilet bowl case would be more accurate. I didn't really start to improve until Friday afternoon, and I'm still having a touchy stomach so I need to be somewhat careful with what I stick in my mouth.

We did go to a Mustard's Retreat performance in Canton over the weekend. A small but appreciative crowd, and fantastic music as always by David and Michael. They'll be performing at The Ark on January 16th, so we're planning on being there. I believe it is a CD release concert for the Yellow Room Gang, so lots of great music and performers!