
If you've stumbled onto this page, well just enjoy the ramblings of a middle-aged guy who needs to get off his assets more often. But for the time I'm here I might as well produce something for the internet (I really believe this whole internet thing will take off and be useful!) Feel free to make comments, but be nice!
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Tuesday, March 4, 2008

a Weigh I go

About 8 weeks ago I started with Weight Watchers to try and shed some pounds that have been adding up, little by little, and sometimes all at once.

So far, so good! I'm down a bit over 16 pounds in these first 8 weeks. I'm shooting for my 10% loss, or a total of 24 pounds. That means I need to lose an average of 2 pounds per week for the next four weeks. We'll see if I can manage to keep going in the right direction (even after a visit to see Michelle in March) and the Easter holiday.

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