
If you've stumbled onto this page, well just enjoy the ramblings of a middle-aged guy who needs to get off his assets more often. But for the time I'm here I might as well produce something for the internet (I really believe this whole internet thing will take off and be useful!) Feel free to make comments, but be nice!
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Sunday, January 4, 2009

Even worser!

Yes, I know..."worser" is NOT a word.

Well I spent a good portion of New Year's Eve day coming down with diverticulitis, and by New Year's Day was pretty much a basket case, or perhaps toilet bowl case would be more accurate. I didn't really start to improve until Friday afternoon, and I'm still having a touchy stomach so I need to be somewhat careful with what I stick in my mouth.

We did go to a Mustard's Retreat performance in Canton over the weekend. A small but appreciative crowd, and fantastic music as always by David and Michael. They'll be performing at The Ark on January 16th, so we're planning on being there. I believe it is a CD release concert for the Yellow Room Gang, so lots of great music and performers!

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