
If you've stumbled onto this page, well just enjoy the ramblings of a middle-aged guy who needs to get off his assets more often. But for the time I'm here I might as well produce something for the internet (I really believe this whole internet thing will take off and be useful!) Feel free to make comments, but be nice!
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Friday, February 20, 2009

What February Brings

Well winter just doesn't want to let go this year. We had a nice thaw a week or so ago, the snow melted, the ice dams retreated, and I even pulled out my spring jacket. It IS Michigan, so I know that we can have snow anytime of the year. I'm not sure I'm prepared for 3 - 8 inches over the next 24 - 36 hours though.

Health has been another issue for me over the past months. Having gone to the doctor for high blood pressure she told me that my sugar/glucose level was too high. I've always tended to be on the high side of the chart, but the doc decided to run the tests again. The results were still higher than normal. Diagnosis: Type II, Adult Onset Diabetes.

The positive aspects (you have to look on the positive side, otherwise you should just fold up and blow away with the winds we're having): if I drop 30 pounds of weight, it is just possible that I can control this thing with diet alone. Additionally the weight loss could really help reduce the amount of blood pressure medication that I'm taking. Definitely not the worse case scenario!

I've begun monitoring my glucose levels, twice a day. I'm seeing an ophthamologist to be sure that I've not had any eye problems, and I'm waiting to hear from a dietician and sign up for diabetic classes. It will be a lot of work, but hey I only get one chance at this, especially since those "worse case scenarios" aren't gone, they're just on the sidelines for right now.

Wish me luck!

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