
If you've stumbled onto this page, well just enjoy the ramblings of a middle-aged guy who needs to get off his assets more often. But for the time I'm here I might as well produce something for the internet (I really believe this whole internet thing will take off and be useful!) Feel free to make comments, but be nice!
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Friday, June 19, 2009

Summer Vacation Week 1

Well, things have started off pretty good. I've managed to repair the front door, the mailbox stand, mow the lawn, trim some bushes, hang a bird-feeder, finish a book and continue another one, and ferret children hither and yon. Not bad I'd say.

Michelle gets married a year from TODAY! I hope she enjoys the process and Steve; not driving each other crazy and the families into the poorhouse.

Rachel is expecting a baby boy in early September, so part of vacation this year will include clearing out some stuff in the computer room to fit a crib and other accessories.

Nick believes he's expecting a baby with his fiance before the end of the year.

2009 has been quite the rollercoaster ride, and it ain't over yet.

Vacation plans....yeah, right! Maybe a camping trip this fall??$$

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